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Airfield damage recovery is a complex system of controlled rapid deployment of materials, equipment and personnel in a manner, compatible with Allied Forces, that provides for the repair of crater and spall damage from a hostile event.

It provides the installation commanders and the combatant commander with improved capability to restore operations at an existing air base or establish flying operations after opening an expeditionary airbase to ensure the rapid, timely, and effective deployment, employment, sustainment, and redeployment of airpower.

The scope of airfield operating surface repair requirements varies proportionally to the intensity of the attack. It could range from minor pavement disruption with minimal interference to aircraft operations to major airfield damage. It is this latter possibility that Air Force engineers must prepare for and be able to handle swiftly and correctly. 

AMS Industries, LLC is a supplier to the US Armed Forces Supply Chain Management System (all branches) and to engineering and project management companies, defense contractors and allied military forces (directly or through FMS). 

Through its subsidiary, ReadymatUS LLC, AMS manufactures Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) and Folded Fiberglass Matting (FFM) systems for airfield damage recovery (ADR) and foreign object debris (FOD) cover. These mats are approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers-Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) for use by the United States Air Force and Marine Corps.